The Quality of Being Clever,
Original and Inventive
Hohlfelder Landscaping is not your normal landscaping company.
We like to challenge our creative side and make your projects a "one of a kind". We want you to walk away from your experience with a sense of pride, amazement, and joy. We do things different at Hohlfelder.
Because we are a small company (less than 10 employees), you will get to see the owner and designer (Doug and Jim) have created by working hand-in-hand with you!
One big reason Hohlfelder is known for being original is because we don't have layers. The majority of our employees have been with us for an extended time, and each one shows their own expertise and skill in the areas in which they work.
We hope you will contact us so that we can create your one of a kind project.

“Reliable, creative and truly amazing. They are the real deal. Both the landscape and hardscape looked better than we could have imagined. The crews are outstanding, the quality is second to none. We recommend Hohlfelder to all our friends and family. They have done an outstanding job every time they have come!”
–S. Schweiger, Green Oaks, IL
Glossary of Landscaping Terms
AERATION - A method of increasing water and oxygen into compact soil by creating tiny slices or holes throughout the area.
ANNUAL - Annuals are flowering plants that bloom for a single season and will need to be replanted each year.
ARBOR - An open structure often made of wood and is sometimes shaped in an arch. It’s purpose is to provide shade and a trellis-type structure on which vines or plants can climb.
BASE PLAN - In landscape architecture, an essential sheet showing site boundaries and significant site features, used as a basis for subsequent plan development.
BUILDING CODES - Regulations specifying the type of construction methods and materials that are allowable on a project.
BUILDING (Construction) PERMIT - Some landscaping features require a permit from your local government. This will entail submitting plans to your city or county so that they can approve your project before you begin. Fences, patios, swimming pools and permanent structures are examples of some of the features in your design that will likely require a building permit.
BULB - An underground storage component of the plant, containing the stem covered by scales; bulbs are planted similarly to seeds.
CLAY - A soil particle which is plate-like, extremely small and may retain nutrients well.
COMPOST - A soil product created from decomposed garden material, used in flower beds to add nutrients and encourage good growth.
CONTOUR - The form of the land. Contour lines are map lines connecting points of the same ground elevation and are used to depict and measure slope and drainage. Spot elevations are points of a specific elevation.
DECIDUOUS - Trees and shrubs that lose its leaves in the winter. These trees help shade your home in the summer and are bare in the winter so your home can absorb the sun.
DECK - A deck is generally a raised structure that is most often made of wood or a composite material made to look like wooden boards.
DESIGN - the creative illustration, planning and specification of space for the greatest possible amount of harmony, utility, value and beauty.
DESIGNED LANDSCAPE - A site that might appear to be natural but has elements and features that were planned and specified by a landscape architect. Designed landscapes include Central Park in New York to the siting of buildings.
DETHATCHING - Removing thatches in grass; removal of the dead grass, commonly with a dethatching machine or a large rake.
DRAINAGE - The running off of water from a land surface or subsurface, such as through sewers or natural means.
EASEMENT - That strip of land between the sidewalk and the curb in front of your house. Depending on where you live and the zoning in your area, there may be other easements on your property as well. Basically, an easement gives someone land use rights for land that does not belong to them. For example, that strip of land between the sidewalk and the curb is most likely your responsibility as far as maintenance goes, but a utility company can most likely come in and dig it up any time they please to repair old lines or install new ones.
EVERGREEN - A plant whose leaves or needles are green year-round.
FERTILIZER - A material added to feed plants rich in nutrients usually nitrogen (often lost with frequent mowing), phosphates and potash.
FESCUE - A luxury turf composed of soft compact fine-leafed grasses.
FUNGICIDE - The chemical used to control a fungus-related disease.
GAZEBO - Gazebos are free-standing, covered garden structures that are most often made of wood or latticework, but can be made with other materials. They are generally open on the sides with solid or lattice half walls and a solid roof.
GERMINATION - The sprouting of a seed, spore or pollen grain.
GRADING - The slope of a plot of land. Grading is the mechanical process of moving earth changing the degree of rise or descent of the land in order to establish good drainage and otherwise suit the intent of a landscape design.
GROUND COVER - Plants which are low-growing and create a blanket appearance over an area. Mulch, gravel, wood chips and bark can also be used as ground cover.
HARDSCAPE - Elements added to a natural landscape, such as paving stones, gravel, walkways, irrigation systems, roads, retaining walls, sculpture, street amenities, fountains, and other mechanical features.
HEDGE - A variety of shrubs that when planted close together will give a wall-like appearance; often used to separate areas.
HERBICIDE - A chemical used to control weeds.
IRON - A mineral used in keeping grass green.
IRRIGATION - watering.
LANDSCAPE - has six main compositional elements: Landform, Vertical Structures, Horizontal Structures, Vegetation, Water, Climate.
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE - The science and art of design, planning, management and stewardship of the land. Landscape architecture involves natural and built elements, cultural and scientific knowledge, and concern for resource conservation to the end that the resulting environment serves a useful and enjoyable purpose. Successful landscape architecture maximizes use of the land, adds value to a project and minimizes costs, all with minimum disruption to nature.
LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR - A trained builder or installer of landscapes, retained to implement the plans of landscape architects.
LANDSCAPE DESIGN - is the art of arranging the six main compositional elements of landscape to make good outdoor space.
LIME - Calcium material used to raise the pH in soil.
MASTER PLAN - A preliminary plan showing proposed ultimate site development. Master plans often comprise site work that must be executed in phases over a long time and are thus subject to drastic modification.
MULTIPLE USE - Harmonious use of the land for more than one purpose; not necessarily the combination of uses that will yield the highest economic return, e.g., a mix of residential and commercial developments in the same area.
MULCH - A material used to cover soil for moisture conservation and weed suppression.
ORGANIC FERTILIZER - Compounds derived from decomposition of plant and animal products and include blood meal, bone meal, manure, and sewage sludge.
OPEN SPACE - A relatively clear or forested area left untouched in or near a city. It may be active open space, such as a baseball field, or passive open space, such as an area of natural woodland.
PARKWAY - A road laid through a garden or park-like landscape, usually with median and roadside plantings.
PATIO – As opposed to a deck, patios are generally made from paving stones, river rocks, bricks, concrete or other hard materials. A patio may or may not be attached to your home and is usually not covered.
PERENNIAL - Flowering plants that continue to bloom year after year.
PERGOLA – A pergola is also an open framework structure – like a trellis or arbor – but they are often larger, sturdier and used to provide shade over larger areas, such as a pathway or patio.
PESTICIDE - A chemical used to control an organism.
PLANNING - The illustration and description of problem-statements and large-scale design solutions that affect extensive areas of land; the anticipation of problems that will be encountered as human use and development of land continues.
PLANTER - The defined area, commonly raised and composed of wood or concrete, used to grow plants.
PORCH – A porch is also a covered outdoor area that is attached to your home; however, a porch is usually associated with a main front or back entry into the house.
PRIVACY SCREEN – Fences, trellises, shrubs and all sorts of other things can be used to create this structure that is intended to block the view of a certain area or your entire yard to increase privacy or hide something unsightly.
PRUNING - A method of cutting parts of a plant off to control size, health and appearance.
RAISED BED / RAISED GARDEN – These handy garden structures are often seen in vegetable gardens, but can also be used for flowers and other plants. When creating raised beds, which are often bordered by large wood planks or railroad ties, the soil is built up higher than the surrounding earth. Some gardeners prefer the orderly look of these beds, while others use this technique to overcome a less-than-ideal drainage or soil situation.
RETAINING WALL – This important structure is a wall made of wood, concrete, paving stones, bricks or other materials with the intention of stabilizing slopes and preventing excessive erosion.
SELF-SEEDING PLANTS – This type of plant tends to sow its seeds as it sees fit, which means you might be surprised by the number of seedlings coming up the next season. This may be a good thing, if you do not mind that particular plant taking over part of your yard, but you may want to avoid self-seeding plants if you like a well-ordered garden that does not require the extra work of yanking out unwanted seedlings.
SET BACK – Understanding set backs is very important in landscape design, and you need to be aware of any that may affect what you want to do with your yard before you begin a project. A set back is the required distance for placement of trees, plants or structures from houses and property lines. For example, most cities will not allow you to build a shed, chicken coop or other permanent structure within fewer than five feet from a property line.
SHOCKING - Describes the wilting and sometimes loss of leaves after a plant is transplanted to a new area.
SITE PLAN - A dimensioned drawing indicating the form of an existing area and the physical objects existing in it and those to be built or installed upon it.
SOD - Small areas of turf ready for transplant to new locations. Often used to start a new lawn.
SOFTSCAPE –The natural components in your landscaping, such as plants and the soil.
TEMPERATURE TOLERANCE - Cold or heat, the degree at which a plant can handle temperatures and survive.
TERRACE – Like a patio, a terrace may or may not be attached to your home and is made from hard materials. However, unlike a patio, a terrace is raised off of the ground.
THATCH - The live or dead layer of roots and stems between the turf of a lawn and the soil. 1/2 inch is helpful, over 1 inch is harmful by keeping out water.
TOPIARY - A decorative style of plant growth controlled by shaping with pruning or shearing.
TOPOGRAPHY - The lay of the land, particularly its slope and drainage patterns; the science of drawing maps and charts or otherwise representing the surface features of a region or site, including its natural and man-made features.
TRANSPLANT - Moving a plant from one location to another.
TRELLIS – A garden structure that is common in landscape design and is used to support climbing vines and plants. It is often made of wood or lattice, but plastic and metal materials are also available.
TURF - A ground cover of grass which can withstand reasonable traffic.
UNDERPLANTING - The practice of planting smaller plants and flowers close to the base of larger plants in an effort to fill out your space and add more color to your landscaping design without using up more space in your yard.
VARIEGATION - A pattern of leaves that contains either white or yellow markings.
VIEW - Narrowly defined, an extended view or prospect from a site which, many times, is as important as or more important than the site itself.
ZONING - A legal form of land-use control and building regulations usually exercised by a municipal authority; usually involves setting aside of distinct land areas for specific purposes, such as commercial, educational or residential development.
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